Business Directory

Welcome to the City of Dauphin Business Directory!

If you are a business located within the City or RM of Dauphin, please fill in the online form below to have your business reviewed and considered.

Please click Instructions if you require tips for submitting your business.

Questions can be directed to the Economic Development office at 204-622-3229 or [email protected]

Any businesses that cater to visitors are welcome to contact: Tourism at 204-622-3216 to be added to the Dauphin Visitor Guide.  The guides are updated annually every November and available in the new year.

We reserve the right to only post or include information regarding businesses that are in good standing with the City or RM of Dauphin and may remove any listing at any time without prior notice.


Dauphin Recreation Services
202 1st Avenue SE
Recreation Services
Dauphin has a long history of sport, recreation, cultural and park development marked by many significant events and highlighted by the dedication of volunteers who created and contributed to these services.
Dauphin Recreation Services Curling Rink (Lounge)
202 1st Avenue SE
Curling Rink
Recent acoustical upgrades to the six sheet curling rink have made it a multi-use venue. Local curling clubs host bonspiels and it is an ideal venue for events requiring a large open space. The curling rink is also home to the Dauphin Bike and Board Park during the summer months